Tzedek Georgia
Free Workshop
How to Influence Legislators
The training will help attendees become familiar with or improve their existing advocacy skills around social justice issues. Participants will learn how to create their own advocacy strategies and how to interact with all types of legislators, Conservative, Progressive, or Moderate. Attendees will leave with practical advice and skills for their own advocacy on the Bills that the group is working on. Instruction validated in independent research by Social Psychologists.
We provide free training!
Your organization provides:
Publicity, participants, venue, printing handouts, and beverages & snacks.
Instructor: Jeff Willard, Co-chair/Lobbyist Tzedek Georgia
Mr. Willard has over 40 years of experience in lobbying state legislatures. He has lobbied in Missouri, Tennessee, New Jersey, and Georgia since 2008. He also has lobbied the U. S. Congress.
To schedule or for more information contact:
Tzedek Lobby Day Empowers Jews to Share their Voices
The leading Reform Jewish social justice advocacy group at the Georgia Capitol, Tzedek Georgia, invited community members to attend its “Lobby Day.”