Mission Statement
Jewish tradition teaches to speak up, judge righteously, and champion the poor and the needy (Prov 31:9). Guided by these values and the resolutions of the Union for Reform Judaism, Tzedek Georgia advocates the Georgia State legislature for human rights, equal rights, and justice or tzedek for all. Tzedek means righteousness or creating balanced power to ensure equal rights.
We speak truth to power as we call for legislative actions which address the root causes of social and economic injustice while advancing religious tolerance and human dignity.
We accomplish this by:
✓ Providing advocacy training.
✓ Creating accessible opportunities to put into action the knowledge gained through training.
✓ Mobilizing people from across Georgia.
✓ Working in coalition and collaboration.
✓ Raising awareness within the Jewish
community about issues of concern.
✓ Building relationships in order to increase Justice in the State of Georgia.
Our Vision
A community of advocates dedicated to promoting justice for all peoples in the State of Georgia in keeping with the principles of the Union for Reform Judaism. A State where the dignity and rights of all are enshrined in legislation and applied to all equally regardless of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.
In recognition that we are all created b’tselem Elohim – in the image of the Divine and as such are entitled to be treated with equal dignity, respect and to have life’s basic necessities, we imagine a world where everyone has adequate food, shelter and healthcare and where the dignity and rights of all are enshrined in legislation and applied to all equally regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or disability.