About Tzedek Georgia

A Reform Jewish Advocacy Group

  We are a 100% volunteer group.

  We are non-partisan.

  We have become the leading Jewish advocacy group at the Georgia     Capitol for social justice legislation

  We are the only state-wide Jewish organization that lobbies at the Georgia Capitol for social justice that has a full-time lobbyist during the legislative session..

  All legislation that we work on are consistent with the positions of the Union for Reform Judaism.

  We are active members of many State coalitions.

  We seek congregants who are passionate about social justice to join us.

  Participants are encouraged to use the name Tzedek Georgia while lobbying. Participants are instructed not to use the name of their congregation unless authorized by the congregation.  

  We do not solicit or accept donations.

  We have a lobby day during the legislative session.

  As a value added we offer free training on how to effectively lobby and influence legislators to our participants and coalition partners.